Paradigm Shift to Freedom: Second Series
Presenters: Paul Fraley and George Clouser
Each class will build on the last and include guided meditations to help in the process of creating paradigm shifts to freedom through reprogramming the subconscious mind. Attendance from the first series is helpful but not mandatory.
During the second series of classes we will:
• Identify and reprogram your subconscious self-image.
• Uncover pleasure and venture into the playful moments and milestones of your life. Learn to use these memories as reference points for empowerment.
• Recognize the womb effect by observing the nine-month imprint of your mother. Discover the impact it still carries.
• Rescue, free, and heal the inner child.
The cost of this four-class series is $100 before the class or $120 at the door. Payment by cash, check, or PayPal. (https://www.paulandellentogether.com/classes/)
Where: The Hermitage 3650 E 46th St, Indianapolis, IN 46205
When: All classes are from 7:00 – 9:00 PM Please arrive early so we can begin on time.
Class Day, Time, and Topic:
Class 1 :: Oct 8, 2019 – Identify and reprogram your subconscious self-image.
Class 2 :: Oct 15, 2019 – Uncover pleasure and venture into the playful moments and milestones of your life. Use these memories as reference points for empowerment.
Class 3 :: Oct 22, 2019 – Recognize the womb effect by observing the nine-month imprint of your mother. Discover the impact it still carries.
Class 4 :: Oct 29, 2019 – Rescue, free, and heal the inner child
For additional information contact [email protected] or George@[email protected] 317.339.9675 or 317.409.9869.